Donna’s Bio


I have been trained in many different disciplines: family therapy, dream therapy, hypnosis, Jungian psychology, relationship life therapy, transpersonal psychology, intuition, and attachment therapy. I use all of my training as well as my own experience as a woman, wife, mother, teacher, athlete, family member and human being, in my work. I have the capacity to clearly see the issues people are presenting. I speak truthfully with heart-offering wisdom that I have learned over my years on this planet.

I moved my practice from San Francisco after the 1989 earthquake and the birth of my second child. To become known in the Pacifica Community I wrote articles for the Pacifica Tribune. As my children reached school age, I became an active volunteer in their school programs, initiating, along with others, the Restructured Program at Cabrillo Grammar School. There I wore many hats, including Conflict Resolution Program Director. I know first hand the juggling act between work and home, private life and community life.

My sons are now grown with families of their own. They have taught my husband and me a great many lessons in the kind of adult relationship they want with us. This has resulted in a new phase of my work: teaching parents of their “adult children” how to form new relationships. This often takes different constellations of family members, meeting individually or collectively, to repair old mistakes and forge a new relational map. In addition, we seniors, often need guidance about what is none of our business.